Love the 70s style Italo-deco
57 m de l'hôtel
Via Monterotta 1
Un guide des lieux d'exception à proximité de Grand Hotel Sestriere
10% di sconto per ogni consumazione a tutti gli iscritti a Snowbreak 2011
294 m de l'hôtel
Piazza Agnelli 1
Great local food with a nice choice of wines. Very relaxed atmosphere and music. Cozy place with friendly owners. Love it!
332 m de l'hôtel
Via La Gleisa 5
Probably the best italian restaurant in Sestriere. Incredible and very friendly staff and awesome food. 10 out of 10!
367 m de l'hôtel
Via Pinerolo, 9, 10058 Sestriere Turin
10% sulle consumazioni bar e sui pasti al self-service per tutti gli iscritti a Snowbreak 2011
457 m de l'hôtel
Piazza Kandahar 3
Villaggio Olimpico has obtained the quality brand Yes! 2013 attributed by the Chamber of commerce of Turin
476 m de l'hôtel
Via Sauze 14
WiFi here is supposed to be ok. The estimated speed is 2.1 Mbps as of April 3, 2015
0.6 km de l'hôtel
Via Monterotta 18
The polenta with cheese is excellent, if a bit pricey @ €10
2.4 km de l'hôtel
Monte Fraiteve 335