Time out pub
Kakav z več kakava je superfinofajn! :) samo 1,20€
85 m de l'hôtel
Linhartova ceta 33
Un guide des lieux d'exception à proximité de Hotel Harmonija
246 m de l'hôtel
its a really nice place "in the middle of the forest " and a heaven of fresh air :) if u want, they serve u a refreshing drink, and also a meal. Animals are welcome :)
369 m de l'hôtel
Great playground, actually safe!!! ( playgrounds in Slovenia, are usually from jugo era, beton + rusted metal:) very friendly. And beautiful walk, can feed animals etc, great for a easy family trip
373 m de l'hôtel
421 m de l'hôtel
Najboljša kava, mrzlo pivo, odlični cocktail-i in prijetno vzdušje.
423 m de l'hôtel
Ogrinova 4
427 m de l'hôtel
Slovenska cesta 32
453 m de l'hôtel
Slovenska cesta 67
0.6 km de l'hôtel